Art Show 'Digitas' Opening night — M16 Artspace

You’re Invited !

Digitas Invitation - M16 - Keely Van Order.jpg

I’ll be in Canberra for the opening night of my art show, ‘Digitas’ at the M16 .

The invitation is open and everyone is welcome — the more the merrier!

I’ve been working with the talented minds of curator Frances Spurgin and science illustrator Russell Kightley to get the show up and running. I will also be opening a sales page for prints on my website on the same day, with links to the works on display, for those who aren’t in the area.

Meet with other artists and interesting people in the community too.

And, there will be food and drinks.

Hope to see you there!



I'm currently working on a series of artworks, on a broad Topic of Isomorphism. Especially, I am interested in how we spatially process different combinations, rotations and representations of equivalent content — spatially, and also semantically.  Here's a preview of some pieces, still in progress, which I will be exhibiting as part of a display of works in 2019.

"Le Moulin Bleu": Isomorphic Transformation No. 1
Isomorphism No. 2
Isomorphic Transformations: Cuadro Arc no. 1
Isomorphic Transformation: Inversion, Arc no. 1